Rabbit Food
Rabbits need:
- Fresh clean drinking water continuously, checked twice daily. Ensure water doesn’t freeze in winter. Without water rabbits become seriously ill.
- Good quality hay and/or grass, always available, should constitute the majority of rabbits' diets. - Rabbits graze, naturally eating grass/other plants for long periods, mainly at dawn and dusk. - Rabbits’ digestive systems need grass and/or hay to function properly.
- Hay and/or grass as they’re much more important than commercial rabbit pellets ('nuggets'). - If giving pellets, follow manufacturer’s instructions. - Don’t top the bowl up as rabbits might stop eating enough hay and/or grass. - Growing/pregnant/nursing/underweight rabbits may need larger portions.
- Healthy diets. Avoid muesli-style foods as they are associated with health problems. Rabbits' teeth grow continuously, needing wearing down and keeping at the correct length/shape by eating grass/hay/leafy green plants. - Not eating the right diet results in serious dental disease.
- Root vegetables (e.g. carrots) or fruit only in small amounts as treats. Don’t feed other treats as they may harm your rabbits. - Rabbits don’t naturally eat cereals/root vegetables/fruit.
- Safe, washed leafy green vegetables/herbs/weeds daily. Take care – some plants are poisonous. - Avoid sudden changes in diets and do not feed lawnmower clippings as both these upset rabbits’ digestive systems causing illness.
- Feeding quantities adjusted to prevent them from becoming underweight/overweight. - Quantities rabbits need to eat depend on age/lifestyle/general health. - Rabbits become overweight and may suffer if eating more food than needed.