Coatex Capsules for Dogs - Pica's Pets

Coatex Capsules for Dogs

Regular price £16.99 £0.00

Product Details

Coatex Capsules for Dogs have been formulated as a feed supplement to treat the problem of dry scaly, itchy skin in cats and dogs.

Blended using a balance of vitamins, essential oils and fatty acids, the capsules will provide your cat or dog with everything they need to help maintain a healthy skin and coat condition.

Coatex Capsules contain especially high levels of gamma linolenic acid in the form of borage oil, which has been proven to be more biologically available than traditional oils.

Give one capsule per 10kg of body weight daily for 4-6 weeks.

Linoleic Acid (LA) 190mg, Gamma Linoleic Acid (GLA) 110mg, Eicosapentaenoic Acid 15.4mg, Docosahexanoic Acid 10.7mg, Vitamin E 10.0mg, Vitamin A 100iu, Vitamin D3 30iu